
It's the truth that sets you free

Discussing eternal matters



Worship with a pure heart

pure heart


“Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.” (2 Timothy 2:22)

A pure heart is an important requisite for our Worship to be honoured and received like a sweet aroma by the Lord. Here Paul is addressing His spiritual son Timothy and is explaining to him the ingredient mix to acquire a pure heart:

1. Run away from temptation to lust

2. Strive for righteousness

3. Love (God kind of love)

4. Pursue Peace

These attributes when adopted as a way of life, will allow the Holy Spirit to change us and mould us into Christ likeness, also called the sanctification process.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. (Matthew 5:8)

So self examination is essential through out our lives and we have to see whether we are truly laying our lives down to please God and serve others or else, are we still feeding the old self(-ish) man?

Remember what you feed most becomes the strongest and that means that starving the NEW will bring bad the OLD self to life.



Beyond Human Abilities

1 Samuel 17:23 – 52

Everyone knows the story of David and Goliath. It was one of my favourite bed time stories as it encompassed a heroic child going beyond his own possibilities to defeat the impossible. It was something which really made this young lad dream that one day I can do it too.

What I did not understand in my early years was that David did not defeat the giant with his own ability, but being God’s anointed, he addressed with God given authority the 9 foot Philistine and with boldness he told him that he will be going down and that is what happened. Unlike the rest of Israel’s army, David was looking at Goliath from God’s perspective totally relying in the One who is above all.

Who or what is your Goliath today? God is telling you right now that no matter how big is your problem, if you put your trust in Him he will show you his might and power and will drive you right through your issue like an eagle which forces itself through a storm.

It is time for your to grab hold of some of God’s promises like Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Do not let these scriptures just make you feel good but make them the foundations of your daily living.

What is it? Addiction, financial burden, sickness, loneliness, depression? God is calling you today and is telling you ” Come to me all of you who are heavily burdened and I shall give you rest”.

The key is to live a holy (set apart) life in total submission to the Word of God and let all its promises be brought to life by allowing our best friend and councilor the Holy Spirit to mold us and shape us into the likeness of Jesus. Only than we can truly tap into the supernatural and truly taste and see how much the Lord is Good.

Anyone would like to share a “David and Goliath” personal experience with us?


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