
It's the truth that sets you free

Discussing eternal matters



My all sufficient God

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

2 Corinthians 12:9

Our lives will never find rest and stability till we understand that God is to be our sufficiency. If we try to find our gratification in something else, our hearts will continue to crave for what it has been created for to find its fulfillment, that is in Christ alone.

Let the Words from God to Paul sink in. All we need in life is nothing else but His grace, it will make up for all our failures and weaknesses. Not only God is not condemning us but He is telling us that even though you are weak, you are made strong in me. So yes as Paul did, let us boast in our weakness and abide in Christ as He is all we will ever need to live a conquering life over sin and its ways.

May our lives reflect our total dependency on God as we deepen our roots in HIM so that we will not be overcome by any storm, no matter how big it is.

Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God,

2 Corinathians 3:5

There is no life without God

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” 

Psalm 14:1

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

1 John 2:15-17

As Augustine rightly stated, living a life without God will surely lead to a dead end. King David was of the same thought when he stated in Psalm 14 “ The fool says in his heart, “There is no God”

One of the major culprits that lead a man not to love God is the love for this world, love for what is sensual, what gives that temporary high in life, always seeking for the next best new thing but never satisfying that inner longing, which only God can fulfill.

As John said in the above scripture, there can never be space for both the love for the world and love for the Father, that does not mean we need to renounce to anything that the Lord blesses us with but anything pertaining to this world should never come even close to the love we portray to the Father and we should always be willing to part from anything that is material.

The Gospel is not about getting more, the Gospel is about getting to know more about the Father and His will so that we will live by His grace and fulfill all He planned for our lives, being content with what we have.

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5

Foundational Scriptures: John 14:6

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:6

Coming from a Catholic background, today’s scripture was one of the most scriptures the Lord used to make rely on what His Word says rather than what man said.

Jesus is here disqualifying all other ways, stating there is no other truths and clearly showing that no one alse is life but HIM alone, confirming His deity but also being the ONLY mediator between God and man (1 Tim 2:5).

Of course this scripture goes against today’s believes and inclusive society and would label this scripture as intolerant and unloving, as that would mean all people who do not believe Jesus is their Lord would not go to heaven.

However once one will come to Christ, he has a decision to make, if we come to Christ we are stating through a life statement: “Not my will but yours be done Lord.” That would mean that we will surrender everything to what His Word states, right where His perfect will is.

Yes this will probably make us unpopular with society and even with some of our loved ones, but Jesus made it clear that unless we love HIM more, that is hating by comparison others, we will not be worthy to be called His disciples (Luke 14:26). The difference between loving others and loving Jesus has to be so big, clearly opting to follow what Jesus is telling us, even if it means that this decision will severe us from other meaningful relationships.


Heavenly Father, you never said that it would be easy for us in this world and having rejections, let downs and persecution are part of the pack and parcel of a surrendered life to you, yet you promised us that you will never leave us, nor forsake us, so we thank you for giving us such a promise to hold on to, giving us the assurance that all will be well and that all will turn according to your purpose in our lives. We thank you Father for helping our loved ones, through our standing for your Son, in seeing us standing strong, not for the sake of opposing them but because we want to lead them to the only truth, that truth that will set them free, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Jesus is the Word of God

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

(John 1:1)

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

(John 1:14)

One of life’s principles is that you cannot trust someone you do not know.

In today’s scripture, we are seeing why the Word of God is so important for every Christian. It is Christ Himself and therefore we cannot claim to be in Christ and not dwell in His Word.

It is not just about reading it, but to allow to become our life’s assence, the source of our being. In the Word (as in Christ) we live, move and have our being. (Acts 17:28).

One cannot have an intimate relationship with someone one unless he spends countless time in getting to know the person and allowing the other person to know you. So is our relationship with the Lord, intimacy starts in getting to knowing the Lord and this can only be achieved through the meditation of His Word as we apply it in our daily living, never neglecting a time of listening too, so oet us not rush our time with God but oet us allow time for the Holy Spirit to talk to us.

Heavenly Father I thank you for Your Word that lights our paths and allows us to come to know you personally, ignite our hearts with earnest desire to constantly feed on the Word l, so that our character is formed in your likeness. This we pray in Jesus Name, Amen.

Entangled in Sin?

I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Rom. 7:21–25

Today’s scriptures depicts to perfection what Paul in 1 Timothy 6:12 calls the “Good fight of faith”. The fact is that we all struggle with sin since our flesh is still not redeemed and therefore it is still corrupted by sin. We as Christians struggle because our Spirit is born again and therefore two opposites, light and darkness are in the same entity waging war against one another. This is the struggle Paul is describing.

It is a struggle we will continue experience through our lifetime, but as Paul describes, we have the power within to overcome every time. Being now in Christ we can do all things through Him who strengthens us.

The Key is to abide in Christ, that is abide in His light, since where there is light, darkness cannot stand. We will experience one victory after the other as we declare that we are nothing without Him and as we are totally dependent on HIM, we allow His Word to act as a sieve so that it will help us filter our motives and shed light in every area of our lives. This will eliminate any traces of darkness from within.

So if today you are entangled in Sin, your intimate relationship with Jesus is the answer, craving more to be with Him rather than you would for the desires of the flesh. Jesus plainly says “If you love me you will obey my commands.” The question is, how much do we really love Jesus?

Heavenly Father, thank you for showing us through your servant Paul, that we are not alone in the struggle against sin. The very reason we are struggle means that there is your spirit within us, which is uncomfortable in the presence of darkness. Help us abide deeper into our relationship with Christ so that we will experience more victories and help us to quickly repent and turn back to you, the moment we fall, so that we will not allow the enemy a foot hold to condemn us. This we pray in Jesus Name, Amen.

Goodbye 2014, HELLO 2015 !

Good morning 🙂

Let us spend some precious time with the Lord in prayer during the last day of the year to praise HIM and thank HIM for all the things that happened during this year both good and bad as both bring forth fruit and experiences of HIS unfailing love.

We also need to seek HIM for the new year, may it be one of selflessness as we truly understand the meaning of living for the glory of GOD and to see others better than ourselves. May all we do for the Lord’s Kingdom bare for fruit which will magnify the Name of the Most High God.

I am just ready for this journey since I know God is in the control room of my train, are you ready too?

May God bless your new year !!!

Your Conscience – Your ally

“Conscience is the internal perception of God’s moral Law” (Oswald Chambers)

You do not need to know the 10 commandments which are written in the Bible to know that killing or stealing is wrong, you can go in any culture, or tribe around the world and everyone will acknowledge that. This is because as described in the above quote by Oswald Chambers, God imprinted the moral law into our hearts.

When we are living in sin the conscience becomes a nauseating factor in our life as it is going against what we delight in. By time as we continue to harden our hearts and continue into habitual sin, the conscience’s convincing power will start to fade away. This is because we would be callousing our hearts and therefore its ‘pinch’ will be less felt.

Satan’s strategy is to make all that is possible so that the conscience within you will become numb and therefore you will not have any resistance against living a life in sin, which means that you are furthering yourself from God.

This reflection is intended for you to examine yourself. I do recommend to read the 10 commandments (Exodus Chapter 20) and ask the Holy Sprit to convict your heart and make you realise that unless you repent and turn away from your sins, you will be heading to a spiral downfall which will lead you to a sure eternal damnation. No one is able to keep the perfect Law of God and that is why you need Jesus in your life, because only through His perfect sacrifice you are able to enter in the Kingdom of God.

If you are right now saying that I am trying to impart fear in you to manipulate your thinking. Let me say this clear. I do want to impart fear in your because you should be afraid of eternal damnation. Hell was not designed by God for you to be there, it was create for Satan and the other demons. God prepared for you a place were there will be no more suffering, injustice, sickness but only joy and happiness. However, if we do not repent and turn to God through Jesus Christ who is the only one qualified to take away our sins, we will not be able to make it to eternal life.

Now is the time, tomorrow is not yours.

Jesus the life changer

Jesus did not change my life because He gave me peace, fulfilment, strength, health, riches or a job. Jesus changed my life the minute I understood that no man can save himself, the minute I understood that the holy commandments of God can never be obeyed as they are perfect, the minute I understood that I will always fall short of His glory. The minute I understood that JESUS is my only hope of salvation, that is when He changed my life, from one which was leading to a dead end to an eternal one.

Once you grasp that you can never achieve salvation your own you will truly appreciate JESUS, the only way to the father.

Some Refreshement?

“Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

(Acts 3:19)

Refreshing in this scripture comes from the greek word ‘anapsyxis’ – meaning to recover breath just like when you are drowning and someone saves you and brings you out of the water, a gasp of fresh oxygen which was so much needed for your survival.

This picture perfectly depicts our situation the minute we accept Jesus in our lives. We were surely heading to a dead-end and by Jesus’s grace and sacrifice, he paid the price for us and made it possible for us to undeservingly gain eternal life.

It is very right to say that we have been saved from a sure drowning and all this because God loves us and wants us to turn to HIM so that he can snatch us away from eternal death and take us to eternal life.

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